Wonder of wonders…

by : Bacardi Gold

Photo by Rezha-fahlevi on Pexels.com


why do i shatter to pieces
when you stand before me
tremble with the highest intensity
as your eyes meet mine

wrapping my saintly celestial mind
with your diabolical stare
thoughts are often forgotten,
speechless, you left me behind

lost then gone in the traffic of anonymity

left to decay in the scraps of impossibility
no one has cared for the messy state
i’m here abandoned acting to be brave

in one unexpected time and place
surprisingly we met again face to face
i held my composure at the center of the isle
you offered a hand shake with sweet lovely smile

cold as ice when our hands met halfway
as you grip mine i melted right away
but you let go of my hand in seconds past
wonder of wonders, we embraced to last…


A brand new kind of LOVE…

by : Bacardi Gold

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com


I touched the shadow of your soul
i was stirred up by an emotion
i tried to calm the senses
the soul defied the grant
how can i appease a soul
enraged by a fiery pain
how can a troubled heart
bring smiles into an old rotten stain
i thought of bringing back
sunshine into your life
a new start where there is forgiveness
a new life where there is a brand new kind of LOVE…
