Travel – Bonbon beach, Romblon, Philippines

by : Bacardi Gold

This is a sandbar in Bonbon, Romblon. During high tide this part of the sandbar is submerged in water. The island is connected to Bang-og island thru this sandbar which you can walk up to its beach front. Spend an hour on its shore and be on the alert as you would be caught by the high tide on your return walk to Bonbon beach. Tiamban beach and Nunok beach are just next to each other for a continuous calm and refreshing swimming activity.

Disappearing photos on my posts…


This is to inform my readers that several of my posts have missing photos. Please bear with me as I’m recollecting my faculties on how this came to be. I am looking for solutions to restore those missing photos. For the meantime, please enjoy reading other future posts of mine while I’m retrieving the missing photos in my gallery. Likewise, I will be posting entries on a regular basis. Thank you for your continued patronage.

————bacardi gold

Quiet Repose

by : Bacardi Gold

Photo by Fabian Wiktor on

Sleepless night
Befriending me
Talking in my mind
Moving like the wind
Whispering in my ears
Building stories for my heart
Darkness with scorching sun
The eyes of dawn closed
To fantasize the realities
Until the light’s curtain drops in quiet repose…

Photography # 49 – Graveyard Beauties

by : Bacardi Gold

Last Nov. 5, 2020, I went to my family’s graveyard and saw these intriguing beautiful flowers giving life to the greens carpeting the land where my members of the family are laid to rest. Prayers were said on their graves and being alone who visited their tombs made a short walk inside the area. Small flowers have grown independently among the bushes.