
by : Bacardi Gold

Photo by Andy Kuzma on Pexels.com

sounds of the piano devoured by my ears
loud then soft as they breezed in chorus
picked them up and in my head
became moving spectacle in hindsight

a story floated where notes freely played
sad and happy ones spread in front of me
as tears from saddened eyes fell
my heart was pierced with lonely thoughts of the past

changing scenes spiked on that lovely place
a heart met heart exchanging humid and hot glances
as the pretty and amiable moon looked down on us
enfolding two hearts in a tight warm embrace

i could feel the throbbing of your heart in cadence
as your chest laid on my robed skin,
you pressed your sensual body against mine
and the love exploded and spiraled into a spin

as our love defined how we should live
a new life was born as traces of love was marked
and into the kind arms our love enfold
the angels you met guided us where life was never wasted…
